Power is the ability to control your own life (The Escape Artist) “I had always assumed power meant having status and income, influence and external rewards. Ralph had all of them. Yet up close he didn’t seem very powerful. I started asking whether power meant, rather, the ability to control my own life.” When the…
Friday reads – volume 10
And here are the lineups… The things that early retirement won’t fix (Think Save Retire) “After retiring from work at the age of 35, I’ve discovered that early retirement isn’t some instant-fix to all of life’s problems. It’s not that calamine lotion elixir stuff that seems to make everything it touches feel better.” Early retirement…
Friday reads – volume 9
And here are the goodies… It’s Time to Kick the Bucket List (Wall Street Journal) “Bucket lists often become obsessive, expensive, painful. They create the impression that life is not so much something to be lived and enjoyed as a series of onerous obligations to be checked off.” Bucket list seems to be something of…
Friday reads – volume 8
And here are the goodies for this week… Want to retire early? Make lots of money and don’t have kids (Think Save Retire) “Yup, earning big money and not raising children is a fast track plan for financial independence and early retirement. It gets you there faster and completely streamlines the process. Funny how a…
Friday reads – volume 7
And here are this week’s lineups… 1000 Days Without A Paycheck (Mr. Tako Escapes) “Just like learning to swim, you fear the water until you’re experienced enough to know that you won’t drown. It takes time and practice to become a good swimmer, and feeling comfortable with financial independence is like that too. You have…
Friday reads – volume 6
And here are the lineups for this week… I retired a millionaire at 30 — and now I know why everyone is so unhappy – Business Insider “I just want to feel a peace. I want to feel calm and present. I want to feel alive. I want to feel at one with the world…
Friday reads – volume 5
We had skipped the Friday reads last week as our laptop was down and it was difficult to blog without one. I did try to do so on our ipad but it was a fairly painful process (good for watching videos but not so if you need to write an article). Figured that I should…
Friday reads – volume 4
And here are the goodies for this week… Forget early retirement — people who saved enough money to travel for weeks or years say a ‘mini-retirement’ is just as rewarding (Business Insider) Coined by Tim Ferris in his book, “The 4-Hour Workweek,” a mini-retirement is a series of meaningful respites throughout your life in which…
Friday reads – volume 3
Some food for thought this week…. Rich Man in the Car Paradox (Four Pillar Finance) When you see someone driving a nice car, you rarely think, “Wow, the guy driving that car is cool.” Instead, you think, “Wow, if I had that car people would think I’m cool.” Subconscious or not, this is how people…
Friday reads – volume 2
Welcome to the second volume of Friday reads! And here are the lineups for this week. Inheritance: It’s More than You Think (BecomingMinimalist) Joshua shared a pretty good point regarding inheritance. Many would think of inheritance as the tangibles, passing down money, property, etc. But what about the intangibles? And that, really leaves us a…