And here are the lineups…

The Secret to Raising a Child Who Isn’t Materialistic (Goalcast)

“Gratitude is the act of appreciating what you have. It’s quite literally the opposite of what goes in our brain when we’re “on” materialism: we’re happy with what we have as opposed to being dissatisfied and uncomfortable and always feeling like we need more.”

Life Advice: Don’t Find Your Passion (Scientific America) 

“Some people adopt a “fixed mindset” approach and search for the one, predestined match in their lives. They expect this match to be enduring, full of excitement, and endlessly fulfilling. Fixed mindsets have been observed with romantic relationships and intelligence.”

How Losing Everything I Had Became A Blessing In My Life (Keep Thrifty)

“What if you were granted every conceivable luxury of life, financial freedom and even more, but it came with expectations that made your soul miserable? Would you let the money dictate your life or would you be willing to let it all go for a different type of freedom? This is the battle that Liz endured. She was forced to make a decision she never imagined.”

Singapore millennials would rather save up for an Insta-worthy home than for retirement, a study says (Business Insider) 

“To millennials, saving up to buy a house is more important than saving money for retirement, at least according to a report by Manulife. The study, which was published on Nov 1, found that the majority of millennials here prioritise spending on short-term goals over saving for retirement.”

How to scout a football team (Financial Times) 

“If we simply replicate what the bigger clubs are doing, we’re going to fail, because we don’t have their resources,” says Duxbury. “We have to do something different. We can’t match them pound for pound.”


And here’s from Warren Buffett…

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