A reader asked us to share our “minimalist wedding”. However, when Dave and I got married more than 5 years ago, we were not yet minimalists, nor aware of this concept of minimalism. Now, to think back, ours was in no way a minimalist wedding, and it was every way pretty similar to the traditional…
Our minimalist home
By Dave and Kate In our earlier posts (here and here), we had mentioned that we were in the midst of remodelling our place and after months of waiting, I am proud to say that our place is ready and we have started moving in. We would like to share pictures of our place with…
The “just in case” conumdrum
By Kate As mentioned in a previous blog post, we are almost done with the home remodelling and are the midst of moving in. Dave and I were listing down a list of items that we will need. One of the items that I had listed was that we needed extra chairs. Unsurprisingly, he asked…
Defining minimalism
By Kate Various bloggers have blogged about minimalism. According to The Minimalists, minimalism is a tool that can assist you in finding freedom. Freedom from fear. Freedom from worry. Freedom from overwhelm. Freedom from guilt. Freedom from depression. Freedom from the trappings of the consumer culture we’ve built our lives around. Real freedom.
Minimalism during pregnancy
By Kate A good friend of mine is pregnant (second time mum) and she recently joined a “Mums-to-be” facebook group. “All the mummies in the mummy group are crazy! They have been talking about buying those really expensive baby carriers that cost at least a few hundred bucks! And not 1, but 2 or 3…