Kyith from Investment Moats had shared our November expenses report in a local facebook discussion group (thanks Kyith!) and it had generated a lot of feedback and discussion. Well predominantly, it was about the cost of having a baby in Singapore, as well as how “minimalist” or not “minimalist” the pregnancy was. I think in…
Random thoughts of the day: A couple’s perspective
Dave and I are mutual friends with this couple, Allan and Serena (names changed to protect their identities). They are both wonderful people, married for 5 years and have 2 great kids (with a 3rd one on the way!). Like us, they are also pursuing FIRE (Financial independence, retire early) and have put a system…
Minimalism during pregnancy
By Kate A good friend of mine is pregnant (second time mum) and she recently joined a “Mums-to-be” facebook group. “All the mummies in the mummy group are crazy! They have been talking about buying those really expensive baby carriers that cost at least a few hundred bucks! And not 1, but 2 or 3…