Speakers: Chris from Honey Money SG and Dave from Minimalist in the City
This program will discuss in detail the Retirement Sum Top-Up (RSTU) Scheme of CPF in Singapore to help you and your family achieve a solid financial foundation and have a better retirement life.
Simply putting money into your parent’s or family member’s retirement account, will help them realize their retirement savings.
Moreover, this strategy allows you to obtain tax relief of up to S$16,000!
Sounds great right?
In addition, the program also shared a lot of interesting financial knowledge and life tips, such as how to practice minimalism in life, how to manage your own finances correctly, and how to make correct investment decisions, etc.
This knowledge can not only help you achieve financial stability, but also make your life more interesting and fulfilling.
本期节目将为您详细讨论新加坡公积金 CPF 的 Retirement Sum Top-Up Scheme,帮助您和您的家人实现财务自由,拥有更好的退休生活。 这个方案可以让你把钱存进你的父母或家人的退休户头里,从而帮助他们实现养老金的储备。而且,这个方案还可以让你获得最高达16,000新元的税务减免 Tax Relief 哦!听起来很不错吧? 除此之外,节目中还分享了许多有趣的理财知识和生活小技巧, 比如如何在生活中实践极简主义,如何正确地管理自己的财务,以及如何做出正确的投资决策等等。这些知识不仅可以帮助你实现财务自由,还可以让你的生活更加有趣和充实。 现在就打开收听《理财哦椰》,一起来掌握正确的理财技巧,成为财务自由的人生赢家!
到Chris的youtube频道去学习更多精明理财秘诀! / @honeymoneysg
到Dave的部落格去看看,认识极简生活 https://minimalistinthecity.com/autho…
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