Do you know?
In Singapore, the CPF is the largest financial asset for many people. However, if we don’t know how to make good use of it, we will miss a lot of good investment opportunities.
In this issue of “Money Management Oh Coconut”, we will discuss in depth the different investment methods of CPF, including OA interest rate, ILP, T-bills, FD, etc. Together, we will recognize the risks and benefits of each investment method, and teach you how to avoid risks and avoid being misled.
In addition, we will discuss together how to withdraw CPF at the right time to maximize profits. Together we will practice how to plan our finances, not only investing but also spending and saving
你知道吗?在新加坡,公积金CPF是许多人最大的财务资产。 但是,如果我们不知道如何善用它,我们就会错失很多不错的投资机会。
到Chris的youtube频道去学习更多精明理财秘诀! [ / @honeymoneysg ]( / @honeymoneysg )
到Dave的部落格去看看,认识极简生活 https://minimalistinthecity.com/autho..
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