I chanced upon this book “The Automatic Millionaire” by Financial guru David Bach more than ten years ago in a public library near my formal home. This is the one of the first few financial books that I came across and that was also the period of time when I started to get more serious…
Minimising credit cards
I was chatting with a good friend of mine the other day, and she told me that her husband had lost his wallet. Worse thing is, aside from the cash, everything else was inside, the ID card, credit card etc. The first thing I asked was, “I hope you guys have called the banks and…
Jan 2017 -Expenses Update
Kate recently published a post chronicling how we have decided to set a budget of $60,000 for our 2017 expenses. This excludes mortgage (we did not include mortgage as these are deducted from our CPF ). Expenditure levels differ with each household but we came up with this ballpark figure after roughly calculating some initial…
Budgeting for 2017
Justin from Root of Good recently published an article on how his family of 5 managed to live for under US$40,000 a year. Dave and I are followers of his blog and needless to say, we were extremely impressed on how they managed to achieve this, despite the fact that they have 3 kids (yes…