Adversity is inevitable in life, and it is important to be open-minded when encountering challenges.

Have you ever wonder if one day your business fails and you owe a huge amount of money?

Can you imagine being a boss of a company yesterday and being a small employee on the next day?

Everyone perceived life to be smooth sailing, but in the end it makes you experience waves of challenges.

We have seen a lot of stories about “Debt and Money” in movies.

If you were the protagonist in the story, what kind of mentality will you adopt to deal with your finances?

In this episode, Dave, the author of the Minimalist in the City blog, was invited to the show to talk to us about how he faced the ups and downs in life, and what kind of insights did he get to start his “Minimalist Way”?

人生逆境難免,遇到事情重要的是要看得開。你是否想过如果有一天你生意失败或不小心欠下巨款?你能否想象昨天你是老板,明天却只是一个小员工?本该是一帆风顺的人生,到最后让你经历一波又一波的历练。“欠债还钱” 的故事我们在电影里看过不少,如果你是故事中的主人公,你会如何面对你的财务和心态呢?本集邀请到了Minimalist in the City 部落格作者 Dave 到节目上与我们聊聊他是如何面对人生中的大起大落,从中受到了什么体悟开启了他的“极简之道”?

收听本集的《理财哦椰!》一起让你的财务规划更加清晰明了!追踪 Dave,观看他更多的相关内容!想听更多理财知识吗?

Listen to this episode of Money Management! “Let’s make your financial planning clearer together! Follow Dave to see more of his related content!

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