
As most of our readers would know, we just move to our new place about a month ago and we are still trying to settle down in this new estate. We are exploring our new neighborhood and discovered that there are some very nice scenic park connectors just in front of our door steps (not literally but it’s probably 50 metres away). Since the last few weeks, we have been exploring the area by renting bikes and cycling around.

One of our initial skepticism was to get Ally to sit at the child seat attached to the front of my bike. For starters, we have never brought her cycling before and we were unsure how receptive she would be to this activity. However, our concerns were very much unfounded as Ally throughly enjoys the ride and there were so many sporadic instances where she hums along the way, while enjoying the scenic view ride.


As a result, Kate and I are enjoying cycling together again on our weekends, spending quality time together as a family unit. We began to explore different parts of this North- eastern loop of Singapore, a loop which enable cyclists to cycle seamlessly along the dedicated bike paths.

Since we were cycling almost every weekend, and sometimes twice consecutively, we contemplated getting new bikes for ourselves as the bike rental has proven to be rather expensive for us, especially at the frequency that we go to the rental shops. We had since then purchased our bikes, foldable bikes which requires minimum storage space yet at the same time, functional and meets our requirements.

Obviously the bikes are not cheap. But we are hoping that this newfound family hobby will last a long time (since cycling is a healthy sport, we get to go outdoors to see nature and there’s so many intangible benefits). One of the best activities for our minimalism journey so far and we hope to uncover more good things along the way. Hope you found yours too in your own minimalism journey!


Kate and Ally enjoying a serene moment looking across the river.